
[1982-1983][Moozzi2] 甜甜仙子 / Mahou no Princess Minky Momo / 魔法のプリンセス ミンキーモモ (Season1 BD TV01-63Fin+OVA 1440×1080 x265-10Bit FLAC) 



The Message of Original Uploader:

I have received noise removal requests for Minky Momo several times before.

The original resolution is around 1420×1064, yet since Disk 4 and a few other episodes required more crop and resize, I unified them into 1440×1080.

There are a few BDrips who attempted noise removal. However, as most of them used a low-quality denoising filter such as Deen, details were extremely damaged while the dirty surface was not cleared.

Since a requester expects to be as similar as the original,

I progressively removed motion-heavy temporal noise and artifact by utilizing denoising for each channel except a few noises as a dithering role.

After that, I slightly sharpened a blurred screen, increased the definition and texture, trimmed lines, and executed dehalo and moderate debanding etc.

In doing so, the size has been compromised with an appropriate size.

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