
 bleach music 21 / 01 / 2009:

Anime OP and ED videos

Bleach Beat Collections





All the Bleach Music Openings, Ending, Beat collections, and Soundtracks that I could track down from within the bowels of the Internet. File structure is logical, tags are consistent, even if they might not be true to the original CD (especially with the Beat Collections).




Current as of about 20 January.




All music is in MP3 format. Most is 320 kbps, but a few (like OST 1) I could only find at 128. If you can find a better bitrate for any of the tracks in this collection (Or a FLAC file that I can convert from), let me know and I’ll put them in the next torrent I make.






A huge, huge thanks to whoever makes Mp3tag. Without that, this would be a much more difficult task than it was. http://www.mp3tag.de/en/




Personal favorites: Life is Like a Boat, Chu-bura, Gallop, D-tecnolife (and most stuff by Uverworld), Thank You!! (along with most other things by Home Made Kazoku), most of the Spanish Arrancar themes in OST3, Senna, and most of all…




HOLLOWED (OST 3) / Breakthough Even (DiamondDust Rebellion OST) [same song]




The most epic BGM song of the entire series, this was the song that played when Ichigo first went Hollow against Ulquiorra in Hueco Mundo, and it was absolutely perfect for that fight. Unfortunately, they changed the song to Storm Center (the song from when Hyourinmaru was first released against Gin) during the flashback after the Amagai filler, and it sucks in comparison. Not saying Storm Center sucks (far from it actaully), it just sucks for that fight in comparison to HOLLOWED.




Lastly, my upload speed is slow (only 30 kilobytes per second), so until there are other (hopefully faster) seeders, please be patient.



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