
[VCB-Studio] 基泳部 / Free! 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [S1 Fin]插图icecomic动漫-云之彼端,约定的地方(´・ᴗ・`)

基泳部 / free! BDRip
10-bit 1080p HEVC + FLAC + AAC,MKV 格式。每话约 1.1 GB。

The production of animation Free is decent, while the source is a little tricky since the problem occurred in dark scenes. In the first two volumes of BD, the blocking is likely caused by poor bitrate in flat areas of the source, especially in dark areas, which disrupted the watching experience. As for the remaining volumes, the distributor applied ordered dithering of high strength. Though it solved blocking in flat areas, the dithering noise is with a complicated look. We determined the final solution after several trials of noise distribution and perception adjustment. At the same time, we eliminated aliasing on specific scenes before compensatory sharpening. Eventually, the file size is controlled at about 1.1GB.

压制吐槽: 游泳能游出这么好的身材完全是骗人的,别问我为什么知道
整理吐槽: 好事多磨,cheers

感谢所有资源提供者 / Thank to all resource providers:
phoenixluan@ASTOST, {浅羽流火, zasdoperation}@TSDM

本资源扫图格式为 WebP,浏览详情请参见 https://vcb-s.com/archives/7949。
Please refer to https://vcb-s.com/archives/7949 if you have trouble viewing WebP images.

有关 TSDM 合购区的详情请参见 https://www.tsdm39.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=879923。
Please refer to https://www.tsdm39.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=879923 for more information about jointly purchased music.

基础播放器教程: PotPlayer / MPC-HC / IINA
进阶播放器教程: madVR / PotPlayer+madVR / mpv
中文字幕分享区: Anime 分享论坛(请善用搜索)
项目计划与列表: VCB-studio 项目列表(每月初更新)

Comparison (right click on the image and open it in a new tab to see the full-size one)

[VCB-Studio] 基泳部 / Free! 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [S1 Fin]插图icecomic动漫-云之彼端,约定的地方(´・ᴗ・`)1 [VCB-Studio] 基泳部 / Free! 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [S1 Fin]插图icecomic动漫-云之彼端,约定的地方(´・ᴗ・`)1

[VCB-Studio] 基泳部 / Free! 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [S1 Fin]插图icecomic动漫-云之彼端,约定的地方(´・ᴗ・`)2 [VCB-Studio] 基泳部 / Free! 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [S1 Fin]插图icecomic动漫-云之彼端,约定的地方(´・ᴗ・`)2

[VCB-Studio] 基泳部 / Free! 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [S1 Fin]插图icecomic动漫-云之彼端,约定的地方(´・ᴗ・`)3 [VCB-Studio] 基泳部 / Free! 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [S1 Fin]插图icecomic动漫-云之彼端,约定的地方(´・ᴗ・`)3

[VCB-Studio] 基泳部 / Free! 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [S1 Fin]插图icecomic动漫-云之彼端,约定的地方(´・ᴗ・`)4 [VCB-Studio] 基泳部 / Free! 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [S1 Fin]插图icecomic动漫-云之彼端,约定的地方(´・ᴗ・`)4

[VCB-Studio] 基泳部 / Free! 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [S1 Fin]插图icecomic动漫-云之彼端,约定的地方(´・ᴗ・`)5 [VCB-Studio] 基泳部 / Free! 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [S1 Fin]插图icecomic动漫-云之彼端,约定的地方(´・ᴗ・`)5

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