
 Original sound source information:

攻殻機動隊 superb music high resolution usb
(Ghost in the Shell superb music high resolution USB)
Release: 2021/01/20
Publisher: Flying Dog

GHOST IN THE SHELL/攻殻機動隊、イノセンス、攻殻機動隊 STAND ALONE COMPLEX、攻殻機動隊ARISE の主題歌、挿入歌50曲をハイレゾで収録したプリレコーデッド USB / 高音質 SHM-CD 発売。
プリレコーデッドUSBには96kHz/24bit wav のハイレゾ音源とAAC音源、歌詞データを収録。

Description:<English (automatic translation)>
Ghost in the Shell, Innocence, Ghost in the Shell STAND ALONE COMPLEX, Ghost in the Shell ARISE theme song, 50 insert songs recorded in high resolution Pre-recorded USB / High quality SHM-CD released.
A collection of music by Ghost in the Shell, where Kenji Kawai, Yoko Kanno, and Cornelius, the leading Japanese musicians, have devoted themselves to their efforts.
Pre-recorded USB contains 96kHz / 24bit WAV high resolution sound source, AAC sound source, and lyrics data.

Modify points:
I converted the 96kHz / 24bit WAV high resolution sound source stored in the original USB to a high resolution flac format file (^ _ ^)

If you want the original high resolution WAV sound source, please use the following app by yourself to convert from FLAC file.
It’s easy!

Please enjoy this UHD disc(#^.^#)

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