
So, there are official English subs for Super Dimension Fortress Macross.
There is also a Blu-Ray box of the series that came out earlier this year.
Somebody put the isos on ADC.

I think you know where this is going.

Anyway, here is the Macross Bluray Set, (mostly) encoded in 720p, and (mostly) subtitled, with all scripts being fully retimed.

Video: 720p (mostly), 10-bix x264, crf 20, tune grain
Audio: aac 50%
Video source on disc: rescanned film (mostly)

All 36 episodes
Macross Special (combined episodes 1 and 2)
Original broadcast version of episode 11 (featuring unfinished animation. Encoded at 640×480, as the BD set used an old brodcast tape as a soruce and upscaled it for some dumb reason)
Commercial Collection (640×480, again from an old broadcast tape, also upscaled in the BD)
30th Anniversary Special (RAW, there are no subs for this that I could use, upscaled on disc as well)
Macross PS2 game trailer (RAW, 640×480 because it’s Playstation 2 game footage)
OP and ED collection (Normal NCOP and NCED each have two audio tracks, and the NCED has two subtitle tracks)
Pachinko music videos.






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